DCS MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED PROGRAMMING MANUAL NOVEMBER 2001MMC 722 (Page 2 of 3)5. Press dial key pad number to make selectionORPress UP or DOWN key to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to advance cursor to step 6 to enter ex-tender, if required, or to return to step 2[205] KEY (MAST)18:NONE →GPIK_6. If required, enter extender (e.g., 03)ORPress UP or DOWN key to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to return to step 2[205] KEY (MAST)18:NONE →GPIK037. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to next MMCDefault Data: All systems (except 408/408i)—programmable keys 1 and 2 are set as CALL keys.You are advised not to change these. Defaults for 408/408i systems are shown in the 408/408iInstallation Manual. Each programmable key can be reprogrammed with one of the functionslisted below.Programmable Key Function Assignments(7means a function is not available)DCS/CII 816 408 408iAAPLAY: AUTO ATTND MESSAGE PLAY 3 3 7 7AAREC: AUTO ATTND MESSAGE RECORD 3 3 7 7AB: ABSENCE 3 3 3 3ABAND ABANDON DATA 3 3 7 3ACCT: ACCOUNT 3 3 3 3ALARM: ALARM RING ANSWER 3 3 7 7AN/RLS ANSWER/RELEASE 3 3 3 3BARGE: BARGE-IN 3 3 3 3BLOCK: OHVA BLOCK 3 3 3 3BOSS: BOSS / SECR ETARY 3 3 3 3CALL: CALL BUTTON 3 3 3 3CAMP: STATION CAMP ON 3 3 3 3CANMG: MESSAGE CANCEL 3 3 3 3CBK: CALLBACK 3 3 3 3CLIP: CLIP 3 3 7 3CONF: CONFERENCE 3 3 3 3CR: CALL RECORD 3 7 7 7CS: UCD CALL WAITING STATUS 3 3 7 7CSNR: CLIP SAVE NUMBER REDIAL 3 3 7 3DICT: DICTATION 3 3 3 3DIR: DIRECTORY 3 3 3 3DLOCK: DOOR LOCK 3 3 3 3DND: DO NOT DISTURB 3 3 3 3DP: DIRECT PICK UP 3 3 3 3DROP: TRANSFER CALL DROP 3 3 3 3DS: DIRECT STATION SELECT 3 3 3 3DT: DIRECT TRUNK SELECT 3 3 3 3EXTMIC: EXTERNAL MICROPHONE 3 3 3 3FAUTO: FORCED AUTO ANSWER 3 3 3 3FLASH: FLASH 3 3 3 3FWRD: CALL FORWARD 3 3 3 3