DCS MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED PROGRAMMING MANUAL NOVEMBER 2001MMC 812 (Page 1 of 1)MMC: 812 SELECT COUNTRYDCS 33 CI 77 CII 33 816 33 408i 33 408 33IMPORTANTThis MMC should be run before any other programming is done to ensurethat the correct software for your country has been selected, or to changethe selection if required.When using this MMC, the system is restarted to make the selection effective.Note: You do not need to enable system programming (MMC 800) in order to run this program but you willstill require the technician’s passcode.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightACTION DISPLAY1. Open programming and select 812Display shows the country selected by the installer(e.g. UK).To accept this setting, go to step 4.SELECT COUNTRYUK2. Press UP or DOWN key to select a different countryand press RIGHT soft keySELECT COUNTRYDENMARK3. Press UP or DOWN key to select YES or NO and pressRIGHT soft keyWarning: if you select YES, this will clear thememory and restart the systemDEFAULTING SYSTMARE YOU SURE?YES4. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to next MMCDefault Data: NONERelated Items: All MMCs