DCS MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED PROGRAMMING MANUAL NOVEMBER 2001MMC 702 (Page 1 of 1)MMC: 702 TOLL DENY TABLEDCS 33 CI 33 CII 33 816 33 408i 33 408 33Makes toll restriction (call barring) easy and flexible. There are 500 entries for DCS (001–500),200 entries for Compact II and 816 (001–200), and 100 entries for 408/408i (001–100) allowed inthe Deny Table. Each entry index, up to 12 digits, can be assigned to a class of service. With theuse of wild cards (see MMC 704, Assign Wild Character), more flexibility can be built into toll re-striction. Wild cards can be used repeatedly in the dial string, limited only to what is allowed ordenied in MMC 704. There are six toll levels, B to G, that are programmable. Toll level A is set asunrestricted by default and toll level H is set as internal calls only by default.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryWILD CARD KEYSKey No.(Depends on keyset type)Wild Card19 (24B) or 7 (12B) or 1 (6B) X20 (24B) or 8 (12B) or 2 (6B) Y21 (24B) or 9 (12B) or 3 (6B) ZACTION DISPLAY1. Open programming and select 702Display shows DENY(001):BCDEFG:0 0 0 0 0 02. Dial entry number (e.g., 005)ORPress UP or DOWN key to select index and pressRIGHT soft key to move cursor and enter tollpattern via dial pad (e.g., 212)OREnter wild card (e.g., 21X) and press RIGHT soft key tomove cursor to COS optionsDENY(005):BCDEFG:0 0 0 0 0 0DENY(005):BCDEFG212 :0 0 0 0 0 0DENY(005):BCDEFG21X :0 0 0 0 0 03. Press UP or DOWN key to move cursor along line untilunder toll class mark (e.g., E)Enter a 1 for YES or 0 for NO and press RIGHT soft keyto return to step 1ORPress LEFT soft key to return to step 2DENY(001):BCDEFG212 :0 0 0 1 0 04. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPEAKER to store and advance to next MMCDefault Data: All entries are set to 0Related Items: MMC 301 Assign Station COSMMC 701 Assign COS ContentsMMC 703 Toll Allowance TableMMC 704 Assign Wild Character