Introduction_ 30Eco buttonThe eco feature allows you to save print resources and leads you toeco-friendly printing. When you press the Eco button, the machine turns theeco mode on or off. If the eco mode is on, you can see the eco image( )on some features. Some options in the features are not available touse in the eco mode. For detailed information about eco feature, refer to theAdministrator’s Guide.• Only administrators have permission for Eco Setting in MachineSetup.• If the machine requests a password for eco mode, you need toenter the password. Contact your administrator.• The Eco button is activated only for Copy, Quick Copy andDocument Box menus.Job Status buttonWhen you press the Job Status button, the screen lists the currentlyrunning, queued, and completed jobs.Current JobDisplays the list of jobs in progress and pending.• No: Gives the order of jobs.• Job Type: Displays type of the job, such as print, copy, fax, etc.• Status: Displays the current status of each job (see "Meaning ofstatus" on page 31).• Job Name: Displays the name of the job.• User: Displays the name of the job owner.• Detail: Displays detailed information of selected job from the list.• Delete: Removes a selected job from the list.• Delete All: Removes printing jobs or all jobs from the list. When youpress Print Job Only, all printing jobs are deleted which Job Type isHost Print.• Promote: Promotes a selected job from the list when the many jobsare queued. The selected job cannot be promoted in front of theprogressing job.You cannot use the Promote button depending on the state ofthe job. If the Promote button is inactivated when you select ajob, the job you selected is considerably progressed.• Job Hold: Holds a selected job from the list.You cannot use the Job Hold button depending on the state ofthe job. If the Job Hold button is inactivated when you select ajob, the job you selected is considerably progressed.• Release: Releases the held job from the list.• Close: Closes the job status window.Completed JobDisplays the list of completed jobs.• No: Gives the order of jobs.• Job Type: Displays type of the job, such as print, copy, fax, etc.• Status: Displays the status of each completed job (see "Meaning ofstatus" on page 31).• Job Name: Displays the name of the job.• User: Displays the name of the job owner.• Detail: Displays detailed information of selected job.• Close: Closes the job status window.Status DescriptionOff The machine is not in the Eco mode.Green On The machine is in the Eco mode.