Document box_ 179If you do not use the SyncThru™ Web Service for five minutes,you will be automatically logged out.7. Click Box.8. Click Add Box. The Add window appears.9. Enter the box name to be added.Box No is automatically filled with the first free number.10. Select the Favorite option if necessary.If you set Favorite 1, Favorite 2, and Favorite 3, your machinedisplays them in Document Box.You can set only three favorite boxes. If all favorite boxes wereselected, a warning message appears.11. Select the Auto Document Delete option.After deleting files, the files cannot be restored.• 1 Day(s) ~ 30 Day(s): Set up the period for which stored data iskept in the box. After the period, the stored data will beautomatically deleted.• Off: The stored data will not be deleted.12. Check Secured Box to prevent unauthorized person fromaccessing. Enter the password and re-enter the password.If you do not want to use the Secured Box option, skip thisstep. Any user can access the created document box.13. Click Apply.Press Undo to delete the information you entered. If you pressCancel, the Add window is closed.Edit BoxYou can change the settings of a created box.Only the Auto Document Delete setting can be edited in theCommon box.1. Turn your networked computer on and open the web browser.2. Enter your machine’s IP address as the URL in a browser.(Example, Press Enter or click Go to access the SyncThru™ Web Serviceshows.If necessary, you can change the language in the upper rightcorner of the SyncThru™ Web Service.4. Click Login. The Login window appears.5. Enter the ID and password. Select a domain as you log in themachine.6. Click Login.If you do not use the SyncThru™ Web Service for five minutes,you will be automatically logged out.7. Click Box.8. Select the box you want to edit.9. Click Edit Box. The Edit window appears.10. Change the box settings.11. Click Apply.Press Undo to delete the information you entered. If you pressCancel, the Add window is closed.Delete BoxYou can delete a created box.The Common box cannot be deleted- not even by anadministrator.1. Turn your networked computer on and open the web browser.2. Enter your machine’s IP address as the URL in a browser.(Example, Press Enter or click Go to access the SyncThru™ Web Serviceshows.If necessary, you can change the language in the upper rightcorner of the SyncThru™ Web Service.4. Click Login. The Login window appears.5. Enter the ID and password. Select a domain as you log-in to themachine.6. Click Login.If you do not use the SyncThru™ Web Service for five minutes,you will automatically be logged out.7. Click Box.8. Select the box you want to delete.9. Click Delete Box.Click OK when the confirmation window appears.Searching a document box1. Turn your networked computer on and open the web browser.2. Enter your machine’s IP address as the URL in a browser.(Example,