1.3 SYSTEM BASICSInstallation Manual 251.3.5 Specifications1.3.6 Hardware• 2 Flash Memory Cards.• 2 Telephone Inputs (RJ11C)• 1 RS-232C Connector• 1 DIP Switch (4-bit)1.3.7 Recommendations for System ConfigurationGeneral guideline: a ratio of 6/1 (for every 6 lines, 1 port). There are 2 questions to ask whenconsidering how many ports are desirable:• Are the ports answering all incoming calls or just forwarded/transferred calls?• If they are answering incoming calls, how busy are the lines?The guideline above (6/1) usually works well with moderate traffic. However, this may have tobe modified for heavy traffic. Recommendations are outlined in the following charts.One port may not support an Automated Attendant configuration with 5 CO lines. Thepreceding recommendations for Automated Attendant ports may have to be modified for heavytraffic.Table 1-2Ports: 2 portsVoice Storage (approximate): 6 hCustom Services: 100Message Retention: 1 to 30 days or unlimitedNumber of Mailboxes: 62 Subscriber and 2 Manager MailboxesNumber of Messages per Mailbox: 100 maximum (programmable)Table 1-3CO Lines Port1-6 17-12 2Table 1-4CO Lines Port1-4 15-8 2