3.3 CONNECTING THE VPS WITH PANASONIC KX-T SERIES PBXs54 Installation Manual6. Set the hunting type for the VPS extension group to circular using System Program [09].7. At every VPS extension, temporarily connect an SLT or butt set, go off-hook and dial7301# to turn on Data Line Security. This prevents the KX-T123211D from sendingExecutive Override or Call Waiting tones to these extensions. We recommend that allVoice Mail port extensions have this feature enabled to avoid interruption of recording.8. At every user’s extension, go off-hook and dial 7192#. This sets the proper Follow-on IDsequences so that forwarded calls go directly to the extension’s mailbox. The KX-T123211D automatically sends the extension’s digits to the Voice Mail port beforeconnecting the caller.For Follow-on ID to work:• Ports connected to the VPS must be assigned as Voice Mail ports.• Extensions must be forwarded to the first port of the Voice Mail (using the Busy/No Answer mode or the All Calls mode).• The mailbox number should be the same as the extension number.Interaction with other features:• Call Forwarding—If the extension is forwarded to an extension that is alsoforwarded, the forwarding will not work.• Call Hunting—Hunting does not interfere with Follow-on ID.• Call Transfer—Calls transferred to an extension with Follow-on ID and callforwarding enabled will be forwarded directly to the mailbox.• Data Line Security—We recommend that all Voice Mail port extensions havethis feature enabled to avoid interruption of recording by Executive Override toneor Call Waiting tone.9. Select the appropriate outside (CO) Line feature settings depending on how yourcustomer plans to use the VPS: A) to answer all incoming calls, B) as an operator backup,or C) to only answer calls not answered by user extensions.Recommended outside (CO) line feature settings:a) If the VPS is answering all incoming calls:Outside (CO) Line Mode—Use System Programs [51] and [52] to set thisparameter. Program all lines DIL to the first extension of the Voice Mail huntgroup. The KX-T123211D will allow incoming CO calls to hunt only if the outside(CO) lines are DIL to the first port of the hunt group. Lines programmed as"Normal" do not hunt.b) If the VPS is only answering calls not answered by the operator (Operator Backup):Flexible Ringing Assignment—For each outside (CO) line, use SystemPrograms [47] (Day Mode) and [48] (Night Mode) to enable ringing at theoperator’s extension (jack).Delayed Ringing Assignment—To give the operator time to answer the callbefore the VPS picks up, we recommend setting the delay to 3 or 4 rings for eachextension connected to the VPS. Use System Programs [49] (Day Mode) and[50] (Night Mode).Outside (CO) Line Mode—Set the mode for each outside (CO) line to"Normal". Use System Programs [51] and [52] to set this parameter.c) If the VPS is only answering calls not answered by user extensions: