PlanningInstallation Manual 23the desired destination. The DNS facility therefore, has less look-up work to do.The number of extension digits included in the Terminal Code can be greater than that used inthe sample, but the Remaining Digits field must be adjusted accordingly. See RemainingDigits, below.• The Terminal Code is that of the PBX to which the unit is connected.In the sample network, NY01 is PBX Office Code 21. The digits 5, 7, and 9 have beenadded to facilitate routing to extensions 500-599, 700-799, and PSTN Access Code 9.The result is that the Terminal Codes for this unit are 215, 217, and 219.NY02 has the same destinations as those for NY01, but also includes the PBX OfficeCode 27 because this unit is associated with a Trunk Group routed to PBX 27. Noadditional digits are included so the Terminal Code is simply 27.Remaining DigitsRecord the number of digits in addition to the Terminal Code digits to be associated with thedestination unit. This is usually the number of digits used for the extension number.• For the sample: NY01, most of the destinations have remaining digits set to 2. The oneexception is the PSTN destination, in which case the remaining digits is 10, allowingPSTN numbers up to 10 digits in length to be accessed (e.g., 805- 555-1212). Settingremaining digits to 10 does not mean that the user must dial all 10 digits when calling anumber.CommentsUse the Comments field to record free text information regarding the unit. This information isfor reference purposes and is recorded in MCS files only.2.2.4 Common Configuration WorksheetIn most circumstances, some configuration information is common to all units within anetwork, or at least within a network group. The Maintenance Console Software provides aCommon Configuration facility that makes it easy to configure parameters that are shared byall of the units in a group.Use the Common Configuration worksheet to record values for parameters that are common tomany units within a network. The common configuration items include DNS, SNMP,Gatekeeper, and Notify E-mail.• These parameters can also be entered individually for each unit, using the UnitConfiguration folders.