AppendicesInstallation Manual 153A6 Configuration FilesThe KX-TDA0480 OFDD.VHO configuration files are stored as plain text files and can beedited directly using a plain text editor on any computer device. For experienced planning andinstallation personnel, this method can be fast and efficient. Once files have been created, theycan be uploaded directly to the KX-TDA0480 using the FTP method discussed in AppendixA7.Once an OFDD.VHO file has been manually modified, the MCS unit registration informationwill be no longer be synchronised. Therefore, it is recommended that the modifiedOFDD.VHO file not be reopened directly using the MCS. If it is necessary to establishconformance with the MCS, establish a LAN link with the unit. Next create a new unit usingthe MCS Setup Wizard (Section 4.7 Create New Units), using the IP addressing informationfor the unit. Finally, select the download option when configuring the unit (Section 4.7 CreateNew Units) and download the configuration data directly from the unit. The manually createdsettings will then appear in the MCS configuration folders.Also, when working directly with configuration files it is very important to observe and complywith the directory structure used by the Maintenance Console Software. Any change to thisstructure will cause the MCS to fail.The OFDD.VHO files for each group are located in the unit sub-directories for each group.The Group directories are Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.. Within eachgroup are the Unit directories using the Unit Names (e.g., NY01, NY02, etc.) Note the locationof the _tone_current file and Tone sub-directory.Note the two OFDD files, OFDD.VHO and OFDD.OLD. The file with the .VHO extensionis the current version.