Appendices138 Installation ManualA1 Voice Over IP AddressingThe KX-TDA0480 relies on static IP addressing for communications between networkdevices. This means that networks in which all addressing is allocated on the basis of dynamicIP addressing (DHCP/BOOTP) are incompatible with the KX-TDA0480 technology. Hybridsystems capable of employing both static and dynamic addressing are capable of employingthe KX-TDA0480 technology.All IP addressing must conform to Internet Protocol addressing standards. The diagram belowillustrates IP addressing for the sample network used in this document.Sample network configurationOverallSubnettingIP addressing defines subnetting. Each network location has a subnet mask address that helpsto define which digits of an IP address are used for the network address and the host address.In this case the sample network, the subnet address is the KX-TDA0480 default, The subnet mask addresses for various networks may differ from the defaultsubnets. In the case of the Internet, the subnet mask address will be provided by the regulatingagency or the IP address provider.• The following discussion does not attempt to address the subtleties of IP addressing.Router PBXRouterRouterPSTNPSTNPSTN New York Branch OfficeLos Angels Branch OfficeSan Francisco Branch OfficeIP PBXIP PBXIP PBXIP PBXIP Network Networking or(Default Gateway) Gateway) Gateway) Mask: