6 1 0 4 8l Extension ProgrammingLive Call Screening Recording Mode Assignment +Description Assigns whether to close the mailbox or keep recording theconversation after a call is intercepted.Selection l Jack number: 1 through 8, * (X =all jacks)l Stop Ret / Keep RetDefault All jacks - Stop Ret (Stop recording)Programming Repeat steps 4 through 6.8. Press EM).ConditionsEnter 610.Display: 610 LCS REC.MODEPress NEXT.Display: Jack NO?+Enter a jack number.To enter jack number 1, you can also press NEXT.Display example: #l:Stop RetKeep pressing SELECT until the desired selection isdisplayed.Press STORE.To program another jack number, press NEXT or PREV, orSELECT and the desired jack number.l For an explanation of jack numbering, see “Rotation of jack number”on page 4-7.l To assign all jacks to one selection, press the Jt key in step 3. In thiscase, the display shows the contents programmed for jack 1.Feature References Section 3, FeaturesLive Call Screening (LCS)Voice Mail Integration for Digital Proprietary Telephones4-128 System Programming t: Available when the Digital Super Hybrid System is connected to a DigitalProprietary Telephone capable Panasonic Voice Processing System (onethat supports digital proprietary telephone integration; e.g. KX-TVSlOO).