603-604 4 8l Extension ProgrammingDIL 1:N Extension and Delayed Ringing - Day /NightDescription A DIL 1 :N line can be assigned to ring more than one extension.All incoming calls from the programmed outside lines are directedto the specified extensions. These programs assign the extensionsand the notification method for each outside line in both day andnight modes.Selection l Jack number: 1 through 8, * (-1 / -2),( * =a11 jacks, -1 = first part, -2 = second part)l Outside line (CO) number: 1 through 3, * ( % =all outside lines)l Disah (disable) / Immdt (immediate ringing) / 1RNG (1 ringdelay) / 3RNG (3 ring delay) / 6RNG (6 ring delay) /NoRNG (no ring)Default All jacks- l/2 - all outside lines - Immediate ringing - Day / NightProgramming 1. Enter a program address (603 for day or 604 for night).Display example: 603 DIL l:N DAY2. Press NEXT.Display: Jack NO?+3. Enter a jack number.To enter jack number 1, you can also press NEXT.To select the second part (-2). press NEXT after entering a jacknumber.Display example: Xl-1:COl:Immdt4. Enter the outside iine number.You can also keep pressing a or a until the desired outside linenumber is displayed.5. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection isdisplayed.6. Press STORE.7. To program another jack, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECTand the desired jack number.4-122 System Programming.