→ Dial Tone—Dial Tone for Extension→ Dial Tone—Dial Tone for ARS4.1.5 Dial Tone TransferDescriptionAn extension assigned as the manager can change the TRS level (® 17.1.6 TRS (Toll Restriction)) for anextension user temporarily. After that, the extension user can make his call.[Example]A hotel guest calls the front desk and asks for the telephone’s toll restriction to be lifted in order to make aninternational call.(1) Call(2) ChangeTRS level(3) Make a CO line callToll RestrictionbuttonFront Desk(Extension assignedas a manager)Guest Room(CO line callrestricted)Conditions• The modified TRS level only applies to the next one call placed at the user’s extension.• Toll Restriction ButtonA manager extension must store the TRS level granted by the Dial Tone Transfer beforehand, whenassigning a flexible button as the Toll Restriction button.PC Programming Manual References6.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button→ Type→ Parameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)6.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button→ Type→ Parameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)6.18 [4-3] DSS Console→ Type→ Parameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)Feature Manual References6.1.3 Flexible ButtonsOperating Manual References2.1.1 Dial Tone TransferDocument Version 2013-05 Feature Manual 794.1.5 Dial Tone Transfer