85Adjustments and Settings for Recording: Viewfinder Screen Status DisplaysAdjustments and Settings for RecordingThe viewfinder can display a screen that allows you to viewthe marker settings of the unit.Pressing the MARKER SELECT button on the unit switchesthe marker indication as follows.Marker A Marker B No markerIf the menu option FRAME SIG is set to “16:9” as theinformation of Marker A and “4:3” as the information ofMarker B, then the 16:9 and 4:3 view angles can easily bechecked with the button, as required.a. MARKER SELECT buttonMarkersb. Center markerc. Safety zoned. The view angle specified through the menu optionFRAME SIG is displayed.The viewfinder displays the return video signal input to theGENLOCK IN connector while the RET button at the lens isheld down.Note, however, that the return video signal cannot be viewedunless the signal format set using SYSTEM MODE matchesthe input signal to the GENLOCK IN connector.To enable this capability, select “CAM RET” for the menuoption RET SW. This option can be found in the MODE> screen on the CAM OPERATION page.¡Note1080-23.98P, 1080-24P and SD format signals cannot beviewed.Marker Check Screen Displays (MARKER SELECT button function)ab cdChecking Return Video Signal in the Viewfinder