189Menu: Menu Description TablesMenuThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the preset mode.MAIN OPERATIONBATTERY/P2CARDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksBATTERYSELECTPROPAC14TRIMPAC14HYTRON50HYTRON140DIONIC90DIONIC160NP-L7ENDURA7ENDURA10ENDURA-DPAG L95BP-L65/95NiCd14TYPE ATYPE BSelect the battery to use. Remainingcapacity detection is also performedaccording to the selected battery.The variable range is changed by theitem settings selected on the [BATTERYSETTING1] (page 190) and [BATTERYSETTING2] (page 191) menus.The initial value for “TYPE A” is set to“DIONIC90” while the same for “TYPE B”is set to “HYTRON140”.When BP-GL65 or BP-GL95, a batterymade of Sony, is used, set this to “BP-L65/95”.– C U F –EXT DC INSELECTAC_ADPTPROPAC14TRIMPAC14HYTRON50HYTRON140DIONIC90DIONIC160NP-L7ENDURA7ENDURA10ENDURA-DPAG L95BP-L65/95NiCd14TYPE ATYPE BSet the remaining capacity detectiontype when a battery is connected to theDC IN connector. Remaining capacitydetection is also performed according tothe selected battery type.The variable range is changed by theitem settings selected on the [BATTERYSETTING1] (page 190) and [BATTERYSETTING2] (page 191) menus.Analog voltage is displayed on theviewfinder screen.When BP-GL65 or BP-GL95, a batterymade of Sony, is used, set this to “BP-L65/95”.– C U F –BATT NEAREND ALARMONOFFSelect whether or not to set the alarm tobeep when the battery level is low.– C U F –BATT NEAREND CANCELONOFFIf set to “ON”, the warning tone andindication can be canceled by pressingthe MODE CHECK button when BATTNEAR END ALARM is triggered.– C U F –BATT ENDALARMONOFFSelect whether or not to set the alarm tobeep when the battery is empty.– C U F –BATT REMAINFULL70%100%Set the display of the remaining batterylevel indicator bar in the display windowwhen a battery with this function is used.70%: Indicate FULL at 70% capacity.100%: Indicate FULL at 100% capacity.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksCARD NEAREND ALARMONOFFSelect whether or not to set the alarm tobeep when the space remaining on theP2 card is small.– C U F –CARD NEAREND TIME2min3minSet the time at which to indicate thatthere is little space remaining on the P2card.– C U F –CARD ENDALARMONOFFSelect whether or not to set the alarm tobeep when the P2 card is full.– C U F –CARD REMAIN/3min/5min/Set the length of time for one segment() of the P2 card’s remaining capacityindicator bars.3min/: One segment represents3 minutes.5min/: One segment represents5 minutes.– C U F –