165Menu: Menu Description TablesMenuThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the preset mode.Menu Description TablesSYSTEM SETTINGSYSTEM MODEItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksSYSTEM MODE 1080-59.94i1080-23.98PsF1080-24PsF1080-50i720-59.94P720-60P720-50PFor setting the system frequency.When this item is switched, turn off thePOWER switch on the unit and thenturn it on again.¡Notesy When USB DEVICE mode isselected, no change can be made tothis option.y When the remote control unit (AJ-RC10G) is connected, this item isnot displayed.S C U F RREC FORMAT Used to set the codec mode and therecording/shooting mode.DVCPROHD:Recording is performed usingDVCPRO HD codec.AVC-I 100:Recording is performed usingAVC-Intra100 codec.AVC-I 50:Recording is performed usingAVC-Intra50 codec.DVCPROHD/60iAVC-I 100/60iAVC-I 100/30PNAVC-I 100/24PNAVC-I 50/60iAVC-I 50/30PNAVC-I 50/24PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to1080-59.94i.When DVCPROHD/60i is selected, it ispossible to refine the shooting modeselection by setting CAMERA MODE.AVC-I 100/24PNAVC-I 50/24PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to1080-23.98PsF or 1080-24PsF.DVCPROHD/50iAVC-I 100/50iAVC-I 100/25PNAVC-I 50/50iAVC-I 50/25PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to1080-50i.When DVCPROHD/50i is selected, it ispossible to refine the shooting modeselection by setting CAMERA MODE.DVCPROHD/60PDVCPROHD/30PNDVCPROHD/24PNAVC-I 100/60PAVC-I 100/30PNAVC-I 100/24PNAVC-I 50/60PAVC-I 50/30PNAVC-I 50/24PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to720-59.94P.When shooting using VFR, theshooting frame number is set inaccordance with the FRAME RATEsetting.DVCPROHD/24PNAVC-I 100/24PNAVC-I 50/24PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to720-60P.When shooting using VFR, theshooting frame number is set inaccordance with the FRAME RATEsetting.DVCPROHD/50PDVCPROHD/25PNAVC-I 100/50PAVC-I 100/25PNAVC-I 50/50PAVC-I 50/25PNUsed when SYSTEM MODE is set to720-50P.When shooting using VFR, theshooting frame number is set inaccordance with the FRAME RATEsetting.S C U F RItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksCAMERA MODE (DVCPROHD/60i of 1080-59.94i)60i30P24P24PA(DVCPROHD/50i of 1080-50i)50i25P(Modes otherthan the above)24P25PWhen using the DVCPRO HD recordingformat in the 1080-60i or 1080-50imodes, the pull-down method(conventional camera mode) will be set.¡NoteThis option is not displayed when 720Phas been selected.S C U F RVFR ONOFFThis is for setting the variable frame rate.This option is only displayed when 720Phas been selected.ON: Operates with a variable framerate. Operates with a frame rateset using FRAME RATE.OFF: Operates with a fixed framenumber. Operates with a framerate set using REC FORMAT.¡NoteWhen INTERVAL REC or LOOP REC isset, this setting is set to “OFF”.S C U F RFRAME RATE (720-59.94P,720-60P)1FRAME:24FRAME:60FRAME(720-50P)1FRAME:25FRAME:50FRAMEThis is for setting the shooting framenumber during VFR operation.This setting is only displayed when 720Phas been selected.When the mode has been changedusing other settings and the frame ratevalue set here exceeds the maximumframe rate allowed by the set mode, themaximum frame rate is changed to themaximum frame rate of the set mode.S C U F R