– 79 –TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYHoneywell International Inc., acting through its Security & Communications business (“Seller”), 2 Corporate Center Drive,Melville, New York 11747 warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal useand service, normal wear and tear excepted, for 24 months from the manufacture date code; provided, however, that in theevent the Buyer presents a proper invoice relating to the purchased product and such invoice bears a date later than themanufacture date, then Seller may at its discretion, reflect the warranty period as commencing at invoice date. Except asrequired by law, this Limited Warranty is only made to Buyer and may not be transferred to any third party. During theapplicable warranty period, Seller will repair or replace, at its sole option and as the exclusive remedy hereunder, free ofcharge, any defective products.Seller shall have no obligation under this Limited Warranty or otherwise if the product:(i) is improperly installed, applied or maintained;(ii) installed outside of stated operating parameters, altered or improperly serviced or repaired by anyone other than theSeller/Seller’s Authorized Service/Repair Center;(iii) damage is caused by outside natural occurrences, such as lightning, power surges, fire, floods, acts of nature, or the like;or(iv) defects result from unauthorized modification, misuse, vandalism, alterations of serial numbers, other causes unrelatedto defective materials or workmanship, or failures related to batteries of any type used in connection with the productssold hereunder.Exceptions to Warranty With Respect to Honeywell Products listed below:Hardwire Contacts and PIRs – Seller warrants parts for hardwire contacts and PIRs in accordance with the terms of theabove limited warranty for a period of five (5) years from the manufacture date code.EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES, LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTHERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACEHEREOF. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO CASE SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE TO ANYONEFOR ANY (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ORRELATING IN ANY WAY TO THE PRODUCT AND/OR FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY ORCONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASIS OF LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF THELOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY SELLER’S OWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT AND EVEN IF SELLER HAS BEENADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES OR DAMAGES. Any product description (whether in writing ormade orally by Seller or Seller’s agents), specifications, samples, models, bulletin, drawings, diagrams, engineering sheets orsimilar materials used in connection with the Buyer’s order are for the sole purpose of identifying the Seller’s products andshall not be construed as an express warranty or condition. Any suggestions by Seller or Seller’s agents regarding use,applications, or suitability of the products shall not be construed as an express warranty or condition unless confirmed to besuch in writing by Seller. Seller does not represent that the products it sells may not be compromised or circumvented; thatthe products will prevent any personal injury or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the productswill in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Buyer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarmmay only reduce the risk of a burglary, robbery or fire without warning, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such willnot occur or will not cause or lead to personal injury or property loss. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NOLIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON ANY CLAIM AT ALLINCLUDING A CLAIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. However, if Seller is held liable whether directly orindirectly for any loss or damage with respect to the products it sells, regardless of cause or origin, its maximum liabilityshall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the product, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as apenalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Seller. Should your product become defective duringthe warranty, please contact your installer to facilitate repair or replacement with Seller pursuant to the terms hereof.Seller reserves the right to replace any defective product under warranty with new, refurbished, or remanufactured product.