– 60 –USER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSTwo-Way Voice Feature (Alarm Audio Verification)This feature allows an operator at the Central Station to listen, talk to or conduct a two-way conversation withan individual(s) at your location. It also assists the operator in gathering information about the nature andlocation of the alarm that may be helpful in responding to police and/or fire departments. All LYNX Touchcontrol panels are capable of supporting the Two-Way Voice feature. The LYNX Touch does not make systemannouncements when the Two-Way voice feature is active.If a WiFi connection is being used for Two-Way Voice (AAV), sufficient bandwidth must be available.• AAV requires a continuous WiFi upload/download bandwidth of 90kbps for proper operation.• WiFi bandwidth less than 90kbps may result in degraded performance.Fire and CO alarms will prevent the LYNX Touch from starting an Two-Way Voice session. A new Fire orCO alarm will end a Two-Way Voice session that is in progress.If the Two-way Voice Feature has been programmed and an alarm condition is detected, the system sends analarm message to the central station. After acknowledgement is received, a “listen in to follow” message is sentto the central station. In response to this message, the central station operator can enter commands that allowinitiation of a 5-minute voice session.When activated the Two-Way Voice (AAV) feature enters the “Listen Mode” and sirens and keypad sounds arediscontinued. The Central Station operator begins the session, which lasts 5 minutes, and may be extended 5minutes, without changing the operating mode. If a subsequent security zone is violated during a voice session,the session will continue and the alarm will be buffered. If a fire zone is violated during a voice session, thesystem will terminate the session and process the alarm. The Two-Way Voice modes are described as follows:Listen Mode: Enables one-way audio from the violated premises to the central station. The Listen Mode is thestart up default mode of the voice feature and allows the operator to listen through the LYNX Touchmicrophone.Talk Mode: Enables one-way voice communication from the Central Sation to the violated premises, andallows the operator to communicate through the built-in speaker on the LYNX Touch. In this mode the HomeKey will blink Green.VOX (Voice) Mode: Enables two-way voice communications between the Central Station and the violatedpremises via the built-in speaker and microphone on the LYNX Touch. In this mode the Home Key will blinkGreen.During the voice session, the the Home Key will blink Green in the Talk and VOX Modes but not during ListenMode.