– 14 –SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWNavigating MenusFunction KeysTwo Function Keys allow you to quickly access Panic functions and return to the Home Screen.Ready To ArmArm AwayDelay MoreMessageSystemArm Stay10:18 AM June 8, 2014ZonesPANICFUNCTIONKEY7000-100-012-V1HOMEFUNCTIONKEYWiFiSTATUSSYSTEMSTATUSLYNX Touch Security Screen (Page 1)Menu ScreensSystem Status is displayed at the top of each screen. The time and date are displayed at the bottom of theSecurity Screen.MenusSecurity Screen MenuThe two-page Security Screen provides access to an Unrestricted Menu that displays the system status andselection icons or “buttons”. The appearance of the display and the location of the icons varies dependent uponthe options that have been programmed. Check with your Installer. The “More/Back” button is used to togglebetween the Security Screen pages.Icon or Button Function Icon or Button FunctionArm AwayUsed to Arm the system in Away mode.(Displayed on both pages of theSecurity screen) ToolsProvides access to Master UserProgramming Menus (Master UserCode required for access).Arm StayUsed to Arm the system in Stay mode.(Displayed on both pages of theSecurity screen) SettingsProvides access to Touch Screenfunctions including Brightness, Contrast,Volume, Voice, Chime and Ringer.ZonesProvides access to Zone informationand options. Delay/InstantToggles between Delay and Instant toenable the exit delay or instant armingoptions.SystemProvides information about systemstatus. More/BackAdvances system to second page of theSecurity Screen/Returns system to firstpage of the Security Screen.MessageProvides access to Message Center.