– 30 –SECURING THE PREMISESSECURING THE PREMISESSECURING THE PREMISESSECURING THE PREMISESPanic KeysPanic KeysYour system may have been programmed to use special icons to manually activate panic functions. Thefunctions that might be programmed are listed below. See your installer for the function(s) that may have beenprogrammed for your system.Note: Your installer should advise which functions are active in your system.Panic IconsIcon FunctionFireWhen activated, alerts the alarm monitoring company that a fire condition exists.PoliceWhen activated, alerts the alarm monitoring company that a police emergency exists.MedicalWhen activated, alerts the alarm monitoring company that a health emergency exists.Types of Panic Alarms• A silent emergency/silent alarm sends an alarm signal to the alarm monitoring company, if your systemis connected to an alarm monitoring company, but there will be no audible alarms or visual displays.• An audible emergency/audible alarm sends an emergency message to the alarm monitoring company, ifyour system is connected to an alarm monitoring company, and sounds a loud, steady alarm at your control.(“ALARM” will be announced and the Alarm icon is displayed along with “Alarm” and “Alarm 99 Police”alternately.• A personal emergency/aux alarm sends an emergency message to the alarm monitoring company, ifyour system is connected to an alarm monitoring company, and sounds at controls, but not at externalsounders. . (“ALARM” will be announced and the Alarm icon is displayed along with “Alarm” and with“Alarm 96 Medical”.• A fire alarm sends a fire alarm message to the alarm monitoring company, if your system is connected toan alarm monitoring company, and uniquely activates the sounder. The Fire Alarm icon is displayed alongwith “Fire Alarm 95 Fire”.Activating a Panic AlarmReady To Arm5200-100-031-V0Police Fire Medical1. With the system in the disarmed or armed state, depress andhold the “Panic” key until the system displays the Panicscreen (approximately 3-4 seconds).2. Touch the desired panic icon on the screen.3. If applicable, the alarm sounds and the associated icon isdisplayed.Fire AlarmFire Alarm95 FireEnter Code:Cancel2 315 6408 97Clear5200-100-032-V0Note: Dependent upon how your system has been programmeda keypad may be displayed. This will allow you to cancelthe alarm by entering valid User Code on the keypad.