– 33 –USER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSUSER FUNCTIONSUser AccessGeneral InformationFor additional security you (the Master User Code) can assign secondary user codes to individual usersenabling them to perform specific system functions. These secondary users are identified by "User Numbers"when their codes are assigned. You can assign up to 46 user codes. Note that the Master User is the only onewho can assign codes to secondary users.All codes can be used interchangeably when performing system functions (a system armed with one user's codecan be disarmed by another user's code), with the exception of the Guest Code described below.• Guest Code: This code can be used to arm the system, but cannot disarm the system unless the systemwas armed with this code. This code is typically assigned to someone (such as a Guest) who needs toarm/disarm the system only at certain times.• Duress Code: This feature is intended for use when you are forced to disarm or arm the system underthreat. When used, the system will act normally, but can silently notify the alarm monitoring company ofyour situation, if that service has been provided. The Duress Code is useful only when the system isconnected to an alarm monitoring company.IMPORTANT: Temporary users of the system (e.g., Guests, cleaning staff) should not be shown how to use anysystem function they do not need to know, such as bypassing protection zones for example.Adding a UserArm AwayReady To ArmArm StayBackDelaySettings10:18 AM June 8, 20105200-100-033-V0Tools1. With the system in the disarmed state, select the “Tools” iconfrom the second page of the Security Screen. The systemdisplays the Keypad screen.Ready To ArmProgram the systemEnter Code:Cancel5200-100-035-V02 315 6408 97Clear2. Enter your 4-digit Master User Code. The system displays theMaster User programming screen.WiFi ConfigDate TimeReady To ArmEventsBackRemindersKeypadUsers5200-100-036-V0Slide ShowTest3. Select the “Users” icon. The system displays the Master Userscreen.