GE Grid Solutions D25User's ManualGE Information 994-0081-3.00-21 83Using WESMAINTOn-Line Start-up TestWhen the D25 is powered-up or restarted, internal processes perform a seriesof routines, starting with self-tests, followed by the spawning of all thesoftware applications that reside in the unit’s memory.Many of these processes will output progress messages to the 68K monitor, asthey are performed. Having a terminal set up to view these start-up messagescan provide useful information about the operational status of the unit.Note Terminal emulation software is not part of the D25 system, but terminalsoftware, such as SGConfig’s Terminal Emulator, can be used for viewingsystem messages.For complete instructions about using the emulation software in your stand-alone PC or laptop, refer to the documentation provided with the software.Procedure:Setup TerminalforWESMAINTSteps to setup a PC to act as a WESMAINT II+ terminal.Step Action1 Open the VT100 compatible terminal emulation software you aregoing to use.2 Verify (or set) terminal communications settings as follows:• Data Rate• Data Bits• Stop Bits• Parity• Flow Control• Connector settings9600 bps81NoneXon/Xoff (software)(COM1, COM2) as required by thecomputer being usedResults: Your terminal emulator settings are now configured.