D25User's Manual GE Grid Solutions162 994-0081-3.00-21 GE InformationAppendix D: Installing and ConnectingDNP3 I/O ModulesThis Appendix describes how to install and connect DNP3 I/O modules, and connect to the D25 .DNP3 I/O Modules provide input/output support, based on the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP).For more details on the DNP3 I/O module, refer to the 994-0085 Installation and Maintenance Guide.Overall Procedure to Install and Connect DNP3 I/O ModulesTo install and connect DNP3 I/O modules:1. Configure the DNP3 DCA in the D25 so that it communicates with your DNP3 I/O module.Refer to section: Configuring the D25 to work with a DNP3 I/O Module on page 78.2. Physically locate and mount DNP3 I/O module in a 19 inch rack or cabinet.Refer to section: Installing DNP3 I/O Modules in a Rack on page 163.3. Connect the DNP3 I/O module to site ground.Refer to section: Connecting to Protective Ground on page 164.4 Interconnect the DNP3 I/O modules and connect power:– For low voltage DNP3 I/O, refer to section: Connecting DNP3 I/O Modules (Low Voltage) onpage 165.– For high voltage DNP3 I/O where connection is made to an external power supply, refer tosection: Connecting DNP3 I/O modules (High Voltage) on page 166.5 Turn power on to the module, and test it to make sure it is functioning properly.It is recommended that you complete the above procedure before connecting and testing your fieldwiring.