Trouble Shooting Information for C7000VP seriesPage 127 Rev. 2.02010/09/176. Select ‘START’ button.7. Select ‘Upload Data’ button.8. Sublog data stored in the list on the right side is displayed. Select SublogXX.bin,which you want to download and select ‘Start’ button. (XX: automaticallygenerated from 01 to 10.)9. Select ‘Save’ and ‘OK’ buttons. At this time, you can write in Memo.With the foregoing procedures, the ‘ServData’ folder is automatically generated on the PC drive.In this folder, both ‘Sublogxx.bin.upd’ and ‘Sublogxx.bin.upd.txt’ files are stored.Example: C:¥ServData¥iPC7000V¥xxxxxxxx (device serial number) ¥Sublog01.bin.upd8.7 Information Required at Log CollectionIs it too difficult to analyze only using the Sublog, so the following information needs to beprovided with the Sublog. P-Print in Service mode (information of firmware version, various settings values, etc.) Details of operation procedures (step by step) until the failure occurs8.8 Points to NotePoints to note when operating in the field are described below.8.8.1. Encryption of filesSublog information includes various information necessary for analysis, so the files areencrypted. For this reason, any persons other than Design Dept. cannot read the contents.Please explain this condition to the users and inform that their log information is not disclosedto anybody except the responsible departments.8.8.2. Setting methods to collect Sublog automaticallyIf you set the following service mode setting from Service mode (Level2), Sublog can beautomatically stored at various events occurrence. During this auto-collection, the screen islocked, so please explain the users about this condition beforehand. If the device is turned offwhile the screen is locked, the Sublog file might not be generated. This setting is enabled in thefollowing cases. When an error code occurs When the device reboots sometimes When CPU Exception occursDevices prior to iPRC7000VP save the Sublog in /BOOTDEV, so depending on the timing, thedevice is not started sometimes. iPRC7000VP does not have such a symptom.Service mode (Level2) -> COPIER/FUNCTION/SYSTEM/DEBUG-10: PLOG is saved when Reboot/Exception is detected.1: PLOG is saved when Reboot/Exception/Ecode is detected.2: SUBLOG is saved when Reboot/Exception/Ecode is detected.3: SUBLOG is saved using the overwriting mode when Reboot/Exception/Ecode is detected.For the operations of foregoing setting ‘3’, refer to 9-2. In case of the foregoing setting ‘2’, 10files can be generated, but the further files (more than 10 files) cannot be saved.Exception: Unexpected error occurrence. Exceptional error.PLOG: Compared with Sublog, only the limited information can be collected, so set to save theSublog usually.