0KCY-07XConfiguring Printer PortsPrinting errors can occur when the IP address of the machine has been changed, or when a printer has been added via the Windowsprinter folder. These errors are typically caused by incorrect printer port settings. For example, an incorrect port number or port typemay have been specified. In such situations, your attempt to print fails because the document data cannot reach the machine. To fix thistype of problem, configure the printer port settings on the computer.To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer FolderRight-click your printer icon and click [Printer properties] (or [Properties]).Click the [Ports] tab and configure the required settings.Adding a portIf the IP address of the machine has been changed, add a new port. Adding a port is also an effective solution when an incorrectport type was selected in the Windows printer folder during the printer driver installation.1 Click [Add Port].2 Select [Canon MFNP Port] in [Available port types] and click [New Port].123㻞㻢㻣㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals