0KCY-0C7Paper Creases or CurlsPaper CreasesIs paper loaded correctly?If paper is not loaded below the load limit line or is loaded obliquely, it may crease.Loading PaperAre you using paper that has absorbed moisture?Replace with appropriate paper.Loading PaperAre you using appropriate paper?Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.PaperIf the problem persists after using appropriate paper, change the setting for .Special ProcessingPaper CurlsAre you using appropriate paper?Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper. Also, specify the paper size and type settings properly.PaperLoading PaperSpecifying Paper Size and TypeIf using plain paper (60 to 90 g/m²), making the following change in the printer driver may solve the problem.[Page Setup] tab [Paper Type] [Plain L]If the use of the appropriate paper does not solve the problem, change the setting for .Special Processing㻟㻥㻢㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals