0KCY-062Scanning Using MF ToolboxYou can save scanned documents to a computer, forward them to a specified application to edit them, orattach them to an e-mail message. MF Toolbox features preset settings for each purpose, includingconversion to PDF and color scanning. You can scan easily by selecting a preset.When is set to OffTap in the Screen to bring the machine online before operating the machine. SystemManagement SettingsScanning is not possible in the following instances.During printing, copying, faxing, etc.When importing/exporting the Address BookWhen cleaning the fixing unitWhen paper is jammed in the feederWhen the toner cover is openScan after these operations are completed or remedying the error.Place the document(s). Placing DocumentsDouble-click the [Canon MF Toolbox] icon on the desktop.MF Toolbox starts.Select the scan type.Click the icon for the type of scan you want to perform.[Mail]The scanned document is sent as an e-mail attachment. You can also save it to the computer and manually attach it to an e-mail later.[OCR]Characters in the document are extracted as text data through OCR (optical character recognition) processing. You can edit theextracted data by using an OCR software. Specify the OCR software in advance.[Save]The scanned document is saved to the computer.[PDF]The scanned document is converted into a PDF file. You can also forward it to an application. By default, the scanned documentis converted into a searchable PDF file where text can be searched using a computer.[Color Scan]/[B&W Scan]/[Custom 1]/[Custom 2]You can register frequently used settings in advance ( Configuring Scan Settings in MF Toolbox). You can also specify anapplication as a forwarding destination. When you scan by using the operation panel, the settings registered here are applied( Scanning from the Machine Scanning Using the PC> Button).To switch a scanner123㻞㻝㻞㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals
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