0KCY-03RMaking a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending)You can send faxes manually at the end of a phone conversation. When you hear a beep over the phone, itmeans the recipient is trying to receive your faxes. Press to send your faxes.NOTEYou need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine beforehand.Place the document(s). Placing DocumentsThe machine cannot automatically scan both sides of the documents in Manual Sending.Press and tap .Specify the scanning settings as necessary. Various Fax SettingsDial the recipient’s fax number.Ask the recipient to set their fax machine to receive your faxes.If you hear a beep, proceed to step 6.Press , and hang up the handset.LINKSSending FaxesCanceling Sending FaxesChecking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents123456㻝㻞㻝㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals