0KCY-041Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received DocumentsThe statuses and communication logs for sent and received fax documents can be checked separately for sending and receiving. You cancheck detailed document information, including destinations and number of pages, and you can delete unnecessary documents.When is set to , you cannot check the communication logs.Display Job LogThe destinations in Manual Sending cannot be checked because they are not displayed.Press .Tap or .Check the statuses and communication logs for sent and received documents.To check the statuses for sent and received documents1 Tap .2 Select the document whose status you want to check./Displays a list of the documents that are being sent and received or are waiting to be processed. Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. If you specified multiple destinations, thenumber of specified destinations is displayed on the screen. To check the details of specified multiple destinations, tap. If you find an unnecessary document, press or , and tap .To check the communication logs for sent and received documents1 Tap .123㻝㻟㻝㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals