0KCY-042Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)You can send fax documents created on your computer application directly from your computer. This feature eliminates the need to printdocuments for faxing and saves paper. You need to complete some procedures, such as specifying the basic fax settings ( ConfiguringInitial Settings for Fax Functions ) and installing the fax driver on your computer (MF Driver Installation Guide), before using thisfeature.About the Fax Driver HelpClicking [Help] on the fax driver screen displays the Help screen. On this screen you can see information that is not in the e-Manual, including information about driver features such as registering frequently used settings and how to set up those features.If you are a Macintosh user, see MF Driver Installation Guide for installing the fax driver and Fax Driver's Help for using faxfunctions ( For Mac OS Users).Depending on the operating system and the version of the fax driver you are using, the fax driver screens in this manual maydiffer from your screens.㻝㻟㻡㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals