0KCY-049Specifying Destinations with the One-Touch ButtonsTap one-touch buttons in the Home Screen to specify destinations.You need to register destinations before using one-touch dialing.Registering Destinations in the Address BookPress and tap any one of to .If a confirmation screen appearsIf is set to , a confirmation screen appears with the destination and destinationname registered to the one-touch button (if a destination registered for Group Dial, the group name and number of destinationsappears). Confirm the destinations are correct, and tap . If destinations are incorrect, tap and tap the one-touchbuttons again. Checking Destinations before Sending DocumentsSelecting several destinationsDestinations can be added from the Address Book, coded dial numbers, and numeric keys. Tap .Specify the scanning settings as necessary.Select the settings. Various Fax SettingsPress to start sending.Scanning starts.If you want to cancel sending, press Tap .To delete destinationsIf you specified multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.1 Select .123㻝㻜㻡㻌㻛㻌㻠㻣㻡Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals