Sending Same Document to Several Recipients (SequentialBroadcasting)This printer allows you to prepare for sending the same document to a maximum of 101 recipients in oneoperation. The recipients can be specified by entering the fax/telephone numbers and selecting theregistered recipients (the particular recipient's number and the group dial) in combination.The following number of recipients can be specified in combination.• The recipient registered to the printer:Up to 100 (total of the particular recipient's number and the group dial)• Entering the fax/telephone numbers or redialing:1Important• It may be possible that faxes will reach unintended recipients due to the misdialing or incorrectregistration of fax/telephone numbers. When you send important documents, we recommend that yousend them one by one after speaking on the telephone.Sending Fax after Speaking on TelephoneNote• If you frequently send documents to the same group of recipients, you can group these numbers forgroup dialing. This will allow you to send documents to all the recipients in the group by simplyoperation.Registering Recipients in Group Dial• For details on the basic sending operations:Sending Faxes by Entering Fax/Telephone Number1. Make sure that printer is turned on.2. Load documents on platen glass or in ADF.3. Flick HOME screen, and then tap FAX.Using the Operation PanelThe Fax standby screen is displayed.4. Change send settings as necessary.Setting Items for Sending Faxes5. Specify first recipient.949