3-37Loading Paper in the Paper CassettePaper Loading and Output Tray3Loading Custom Size Paper or Paper at a Size of 8K or 16Kin Cassette 2, 3, or 4You can load paper of the following custom sizes.• When loading paper in portrait orientation: Width 8.27 to 11.69 in. (210.0 to 297.0mm); Length 8.27 to 17.00 in. (210.0 to 431.8 mm)• When loading paper in landscape orientation (Only when UFR II Printer Driver isused): Width 8.27 to 11.69 in. (210.0 to 297.0 mm); Length 5.83 to 11.69 in.(148.0 to 297.0 mm)IMPORTANT• When non-standard size paper is loaded, specify the setting for CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n =2, 3, 4) in the control panel as follows.- When the paper is loaded in landscape orientation (Only when UFR II Printer Driver isused): CUSTOM SIZE- When the paper is loaded in portrait orientation: CUSTOM SIZER• When paper at a size of 8K or 16K is loaded, set CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n = 2, 3, 4) in thecontrol panel to 8K or 16K.• When you change the orientation of the custom size paper loaded in a paper cassettefrequently, it is convenient if you set CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n = 2, 3, 4) in the control panelto MIXED SIZES. When CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n = 2, 3, 4) is set to MIXED SIZES, you donot need to specify the setting for CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n = 2, 3, 4) each time you changethe paper orientation. However, when specifying MIXED SIZES, make sure that the sizeof the loaded paper matches the paper size specified in the printer driver before printing.If they do not match, the printer may stop printing, displaying the message <41 CHKPAPER SZE>, or a paper jam may occur. Be sure to check if the paper size specified inthe printer driver matches the size of the paper loaded in the paper cassette before usingthe printer.• When printing custom size paper from UFR II Printer Driver, you can load the papereither in portrait or landscape orientation. However, if you want to print custom size paperof its long edges 11.69 in. (297.0 mm) or less when CASSETTE(n) SIZE (n=2, 3, 4) is setto MIXED SIZES, load the paper in landscape orientation. When you are not printingfrom UFR II Printer Driver, load the paper in portrait orientation.