CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 99SAVING ANd RESTORING LISTSOnce the user has the lists set up asdesired, the configuration can be savedto the PC’s hard disk, so that it can berecalled at a later date.The currently active configuration will beshown at the top of the screen, and theconfiguration currently being viewed/edited is shown in a box underneath.When creating a new configuration, aname for it must be entered in this box.Save to File, Load into Desk Changes tothe configuration being viewed/edited willnot take effect until Save to File Load intoDesk is selected. Then the changes will betransmitted to the console and saved toC:/sigma/cust1/lists. If any changes aremade to the configuration, this button willlight in red (until selected) to indicate thatthe changes to the configuration beingviewed/edited have not yet been savedand loaded onto the console.Open FileOpen File allows a previously savedlist configuration to be restored. Whenopened, the configuration is loaded intothe screens as “the list configurationbeing viewed/edited”, it is not sent to theconsole. When the configuration is readyto be used, select Save to File Load intoDesk, and the configuration will be savedand the settings sent to the console.Save to FileThis button saves the configuration beingviewed/edited without loading it onto theconsole.Open Active ConfigThis button retrieves the settings that thecontrol surface is using and displays themon the screens as the list configurationbeing viewed/edited. This allowsammendments to be made.Show Configs for Curr NetThis button allows list configurations whichuse the current network configuration tobe opened.Reset ConfigThis button clears the current listconfiguration of all its settings. All portsare transferred to the NO LST screen onlylist. A confirmation box must be acceptedbefore this action is carried out.Save Options to Disk and FlashAs the list configuration screens arepart of the options set of screens, it isimportant to save the options to disk andflash once the list configuration is setup. Although the list configuration itselfis saved seperately, its active state onthe console has to be saved using thesebuttons.The Options screens are used to pre-setthe system to the required settings. Thesesettings are not stored in the individualconsole memories but are saved andloaded separately.Changes to options take effect as soonas they are made, but, if they are notsaved, the next time the desk boots upthe options will revert to their previoussettings. This could mean that a differentlist configuration is loaded onto theconsole, which could cause problemsshould the console have to be resetduring a live broadcast. It does howeverallow changes to be tried out withoutlosing the original settings, and theseoriginal settings can be restored withouthaving to re-boot the system.