CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 133When a hydra port is patched,ownership of it is assigned to theconsole. The console is given control(ownership) over that source. Otherconsoles that subsequently connectthe same source will not be able tocontrol it.SOURCE OwNERSHIPThere may be circumstances whena source’s ownership needs to beoverridden, for example, a microphoneis needed for the next show but hasnot been released from the previousshow. “Force Ownership to be Dropped”releases the source from its owner,allowing another console to control it.This function is necessary for thesituation where grabbing the ownershipis not sufficient. This could be becausethe user wants to load a memory usingports it does not own. Upon loading amemory, any gain settings saved forports the console does not own will beignored, and the gain settings appliedby the owner will be applied. In thiscase, it would be necessary to force theownership to be dropped before loadingthe memory, such that the correct gainsettings are recalled.