22 SIGMA with BluefinThe Assignable Fader is positionedtowards the centre of the console, inthe optimum listening position, andworks in parallel with the currentlyassigned channel or group fader.Alternatively, lOCK FADEr allows it tobe fixed to a specific path.The assignable fader can follow a spillfader, but cannot be locked to it. It canhowever be locked to a surround master.All A/B ViewingThe ALL A and ALL B buttons switch allthe channel faders to display either theirA path or their B path. Buttons allow theleft and right hand side to be switchedseperately for each path. Using the ALLA and ALL B buttons is like moving to adifferent section of a single layer design.Buttons on the Options - Misc screen setthe functionality of the All A and All Bbuttons when using a short press.If set to change layer, a short press on theALL A and ALL B buttons will switch allthe channel faders to display either their Apath or their B path permanently.If set to “Latch View”, a short press of anAll A or All B button will display the pathson the control surface until the button ispressed again. This is so that the console’sA/B display pattern is not lost. Theconsole will revert back to the previouslydisplayed layer on each fader.A long press on the ALL A and ALL Bbuttons will switch all the channel fadersto display either their A path or their B pathpermanently.IA5530SLSLSTSTMRMRSSSSAFLTONCUTGPGP0 060504030201050105M/SEQDYNPEAKPFLDYNO/PI/PEC812162024448FLTRLOCK ALLAALLAFADERASSIGNEDFADERALLB BALLLHS RHSMic 1Pres 1ABASSIGNAbLE fAdER