CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 23VCA GROUPINGVCA groups allow the audio level,CUT, AFl and PFl functions ofseveral slave faders to be controlledfrom one master fader.A VCA group is made or edited byholding down the Assign Button(A or B) of the fader to be masterand pressing the Assign buttonsof faders to be added or removedas slaves. There can be up to 48members of a VCA group.When the level of the VCA master isadjusted it will change the audio levelof all its slaves by the same amount.Changing the CUT, AFL and PFLsettings of a VCA master applies thesame settings to its slaves.The slave faders will not move whentheir master is adjusted, but the NullLEDs will illuminate to indicate whetherthe audio is above or below the positionof the fader.The MR and SL LEDs next to the Assignbuttons on the fader strip indicatewhether that fader is a master or a slave.The editing of VCA groups is enabledand disabled using the States screen.This provides protection againstaccidental changes.Primary and Secondary VCA MastersIt is possible to select a VCA master asa slave of another VCA group. When thishappens, the slave master is known as thesecondary master, and its master is knownas the primary master.When the level of a primary master isadjusted it will change the audio level of itsown slaves and the level of its secondarymaster’s slaves by the same amount.Changing the CUT, AFL and PFL settingsof a primary master applies the settingsto the slaves, secondary masters and theirslaves.When the level of a secondary masteris adjusted, the audio level of all itsslaves changes by the same amount. Itsadjustment will not affect the level of theprimary master or its slaves. Changing theCUT, AFL or PFL of a secondary masterapplies the settings to the secondarymaster’s slaves only.The number of slaves in VCA group witha primary master would include all theprimary master’s slaves and the slaves ofall its secondary masters. A secondarymaster fader has both the MR and SL LEDlit.It is possible to create the primary orsecondary group in any order. A slave canbe made into a secondary master byadding slaves to it. If a slave added tothe VCA group is already a master it willbecome a secondary master.5.1 Surround ChannelsIf a surround master is part of a VCAgroup then the VCA primary andsecondary master levels, cut settingsand APFL settings affect all of its spilllegs. It is not possible for the spill fadersthemselves to be masters or slaves of aVCA group.VCA Group InterrogationInterrogation provides a clear way ofindicating VCA group assignments.When the fader assign button of a VCAgroup member is held down, the faderassign buttons of all members of thesame group will be lit, and the faderassign buttons of paths which are notpart of the group will cease to be lit.Interrogation of a Primary Master willlight the fader assign buttons of itsprimary slaves and secondary masters.Interrogation of a secondary master willlight the Assign buttons of its secondaryslaves, and the primary master’s Assignbutton will flash.ControlsControls Controls