36 SIGMA with BluefinThe input controls on this panel allowseparate settings for the two channelinputs; and gain and On/OFF for thegroup and main direct inputs.Input SettingsGain AdjustmentBalance ControlWidth ControlInsertsDirect Output and Mix MinusStereo and Surround PanningInput Selection ControlsEach channel path can switch betweentwo input ports using buttons 1 and 2.Optionally, each fader can have dedicatedselection buttons for inputs 1 and 2 in itschannel control section.SRC switches the sample rate converteron AES inputs.48L and 48R switch phantom power onmic/line channel inputs. 48L is used formono channels.LB and RB provide Left to Both and Rightto Both on stereo channels and groups.Optionally, each fader can have dedicatedselection buttons for LB and RB on itschannel control section.M/S converts a sum and difference (mono/stereo) input to L and R on stereo channels.ØL and ØR buttons reverse the phase of thechannel input. ØL is used for mono channels.TONE switches tone to the input of thecurrently assigned channel or group fromwhere it can be routed as required.Gain AdjustmentComprises 2 buttons for coarse ranging,and a rotary control for fine adjustment.Pressing both buttons at the same time setsthe gain to 0 dB. For a group or main path,the controls set the gain of the direct input.Gain is adjustable from -18dB to +78dB formic/line inputs, -18dB to +24dB for digitalinputs, and ∞ to +10dB for direct inputs.The gains of inputs 1 and 2 can be linkedsuch that the change in gain of one inputis applied to both inputs. The lower andupper level endstops still apply, and aredependent upon the input type. If one<< >>LB RBOL/ /OR248L 48RTONE M/SINEQPREEQPREBUSTONETB MIXMINUSIN INGAININPUT SELECTIONSTEREO WIDTHFRONT/BACK PAN REAR PAN DIVERGENCEFRONT PANBALANCEDIRECT OUTPUTSURROUND SOUNDININ REARLEVEL1LFEL-C-RONINPUTINSERTFDRPREFDRPREINPUTPY4885OUTPUTDIRECT OUTPUTAFLSRCMAINGPDIRECTCONLY- 9.0 dB LS >RS - 7.5 dB L 4 RFDR19ADrums- 4.6 dB+56.0 dBMIC L R M S >W L C >R5.0LEVELINAUTOFDRINPUT/OUTPUT CONTROLSof the inputs reaches an endstop duringadjustment, this will stop both gains goingany lower or higher. The gains are linkedby pressing the input 1 and 2 buttonssimultaneously. This behaviour is enabledusing the STATES screen.Balance ControlOperates as a balance control on stereochannels only. With LB or RB selected,this control acts as an input pan control.With a surround master selected, thiscontrol acts as an input gain trim control.Width ControlOperates pre fader on stereo channelsand groups. The rotary control adjusts thewidth from mono, through stereo, to wide.The control is switched in and out of thepath using the IN button.InsertsAssignable inserts can be patched inand out of the channel path, using the INbutton. The buttons allow the insert to bepatched post fader, pre fader or pre EQ.Assignable inserts must first be set upusing the I/O Matrix or I/O screens.Enable Auto FaderWith AUTO FDR selected, the Insert INbutton is used to enable or disable thecurrently attached auto fader.Panels - Input Output ScreenThe Panels - Input Output screenduplicates some of the controls on theInput/Output panel. In addition, theuser can choose whether to controlthe currently assigned fader path, or toselect a different fader, known as the “PCFader” to which settings can be appliedindependently of the current assignment.Control is chosen using the selectionbuttons “PC Fader” and “Desk Fader”