CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 129This screen allows the network to beconfigured.The window on the left side of thescreen shows the devices available tothe console. These devices will havebeen loaded via the CONF I/O BOXscreen. The window on the right side ofthe screen shows the devices the userselected for this session.The Add and Remove buttons are usedto add or remove devices to and fromthe session. The Remove and RemoveAll buttons are only available when theconsole is in Technician Mode. Once therequired devices are added, the inputand output lists may be setup usingthe EDIT NET - INPUT PORTS screen.Configurations can be saved and restored,to allow use on a job by job basis. Thisallows multiple setups to be configuredoffline, and stored for later use.Saving Network ConfigurationsChanges to the network configuration willnot take effect until “Save to File, LoadInto Desk” is selected. Then, the changesbecome active and the configuration issaved to the hard disk. If any subsequentchanges are made, the “Save to File, LoadInto Desk” button will flash to indicate thatthe configuration on the screen does notmatch the active configuration.Open File allows a previously savedconfiguration to be opened. Whenopened, the configuration will be loadedonto the screen, but will not take effectuntil “Save to File, Load Into Desk” isselected. The button flashes to indicatethat the configuration on the screen isdifferent to the active configuration. Theconsole checks that the configuration isNETwORk CONfIGURATIONcompatible with the system. If there arediscrepancies, an “Error Showing ActiveConfig” message will appear.“Save to File” saves the configuration tothe hard disk without loading it onto theconsole. “Open Active Config” retrievesthe settings that the system is currentlyusing and displays them on the screen,replacing the current configuration beingviewed.OptionsNetwork configurations are not savedwith the user memories, so it is importantto save the options to disk and flashonce the network is configured using thebuttons at the bottom of the screen.If they are not saved, the next time thedesk boots up the console will revert toits previous settings, which could meanthat a different network configuration isloaded. This could cause problems shouldthe console have to be reset during a livebroadcast. It does however allow changesto be tried out without losing the originalsettings and these original settings canbe restored without having to re-boot thesystem.