70 SIGMA with BluefinThe Control room misc Functionsselection button allows listeningmodes to be applied to the Controlroom monitor, and APFl functions tobe set up.MP5405SMALL LSLEVELL RBALANCEDIMCLEARDIRECTINPUTCHANGEOVERSTEREO MONOSTEREOMAIN 1MISC OP1SURRMAIN 1MISC OP2SURRMAIN 1PRE-SEL1LS RSLFE OFFL C RMISC FUNCTIONSSURRMAIN 2PRE-SEL2STEREOVTR1/1PRE-SEL3AUX 3PRE-SEL4INLS MONINSERTNO COMPFULLDP570DECODERSDIM CUTMUTE MUTE0PFL/LIST AFLCONTROLROOMMONITOR1 201 HEAR2 HEAR3 HEAR4INPUTDIRECTHEARPressing this button gives access tofunctions displayed on the MonitorSelections panel. The Listen Modes andAPFL functions are located in two seperatebanks, and are chosen in the same way asmonitor sources.Listen ModesThe default listen mode is mono, stereo 3stereo or full surround depending on the LSarrangement set in the Set up application.The selection buttons are as follows:CONTROL ROOM MISC fUNCTIONSSelection buttons to switch PHANCENTRE on, and LFE off.6 solo buttons allow solo monitoring ofeach component of a surround signal.4 stereo option buttons: L+R to L, L toL+R, R to L+R and PH REV R. These willwork in any mode, but are really designedfor use in stereo mode or when monitoringstereo sources.4 Listen mode selection buttons, allowthe Control Room to monitor its selectedsource signal in Full surround, 3 STEREO,STEREO or MONO.3 STEREO with Phan Centre ON is thesame as STEREO except the LFE isoptional.If the source being monitored is surround,the STEREO button will create a stereodownmix of that source. If the source isstereo, the surround monitor buttons forthat main output will have no effect.MONO feeds L, C, R, LS and RS to Center.APFLThere are selection buttons for:PFL to override each misc output 1-6PFL to MON - Feeds the Control Room LSoutputs overriding the current LS selection.PFL clear and AFL clear, clear any latchedbuttons.APFL Flash sets the APFL light to flashwhen any of the AFL or PFL buttons arelatched.PFL from surround mains is a stereodownmix of the surround signal.If PFL to MON is not selected, PFLcan override the small LS (if it has beenset to do this in the setup application).Alternatively, there can be a separatestereo PFL LS output. An external RTBinput can mix with PFL to the PFL LSoutput.MY5403MONITOR SELPHANCENTREASSIGNMENTSELECTION TYPESELECTIONSOLOLCR MONMISCFUNCTIONLISTENMODES APFLSOLOCSOLORLFEOFFSOLOLSSOLOLFESOLORSL + R > L L > L + R R > L + R PHREV RFULL 3STEREO STEREO MONOSURRMAIN 1METER 1CR MONFOLLOWMETER 2SURRMAIN 2METER 3 METER 4STEREOEXT 1MY5403MONITOR SELPFL TOO/P 3ASSIGNMENTSELECTION TYPESELECTIONPFL TOO/P 4CR MONMISCFUNCTIONLISTENMODES APFLPFL TOO/P 5PFL TOO/P 6PFL TOO/P 1PFL TOO/P 2PFL TOMONPFLCLEARAFLCLEARAPFLFLASHSURRMAIN 1METER 1CR MONFOLLOWMETER 2SURRMAIN 2METER 3 METER 4STEREOEXT 1