CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 11LayeringEach fader can control two independentaudio signal paths, named A and B. Thesesignal paths can be either channels orgroups, although for easy reference,the faders are simply known as channelfaders. B signal paths are fully equippedwith all the same facilities as an A path.When switching between A and B, thefader will move to the correct position,and the displays will show settings for theselected path. The colour of the displayson the fader strip indicate the active path:Green for A, Amber for B.Less important signals can be placed onthe B layer. Even then, only one buttonpress is required to access them again.Using the ALL A and ALL B buttons is likemoving to a different section of a singlelayer design (this can be set to operatemomentarily). This arrangement allowsmore channels to be fitted into the spaceavailable in the frame.A setup option allows selected faders tobe excluded from the ALL A or ALL Bfunction. An additional option then allowsthe individual fader A and B buttons to bedisabled to eliminate the risk of a criticalaudio channel not being on the surface atall times.BASLSLMRSSSTMRSSSTABGPGPLAyERING ANd ASSIGNAbLE CONTROLAssignable ControlEach fader has an Assign button foreach audio path. The Assign buttons arelabelled A and B for channel or grouppaths, and M1, M2, S1 and S2 for the mainand sub-main output paths on the mainfaders. Pressing the Assign button causesthe central control panels (the Assignpanels) to display and control the settingsfor that fader’s channel, group or mainpath.In this way a large number of controls canbe accessed, for each audio path, fromthe central listening position. As there isless need to move around a large controlsurface, controls can be accessed moreefficiently.A number of controls and displays are alsoprovided on a per fader basis, to allowimportant information to be even moreeasily available.In addition to the above, the channelfaders are assignable, in that the operatorcan choose which faders to use for themono channels, stereo channels, surroundmasters or groups.