CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 167MONITOR LS SET UPThe screen shows a representation ofthe Monitor LS controls. The right side ofthe screen lists all the available monitorsources. Monitor sources are allocatedto the assignable selection buttons asfollows:Select the button to which you want•to assign a source (screen button willflash)Select the required monitor soure•from the listSelect “Allocate”•For external sources, a pop up windowallows the user to enter a suitable label forthe screen button, and to choose whetherthe source is mono, stereo or surround.To clear any button of its assignment,simply allocate “Blank” from the list as asource.If your console uses the assignablemonitor panels, their control screens willbe slightly different. Please refer to theAssignable Monitor Panels section fordetails of their set up.This screen is used to allocatemonitor sources to the user-definable buttons on the trafitionalstyle monitor lS panel.Buttons can only be assigned when inTechnician or Supervisor mode. Thisallows the system to be set up priorto operation, and protects againstaccidental changes once the consoleis in use.