CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 69MY5403MONITOR SELMUTE= CUTBANK A BANK B BANK C BANK DBANK E BANK F BANK GFUNCTMISCASSIGNMENTSELECTION TYPESELECTIONMUTE= DIM CUT DIMCUT L CUT RSTEREO MONOMISC OP1L > L + R R > L + RSURRMAIN 1METER 1CR MONFOLLOWMETER 2SURRMAIN 2METER 3 METER 4STEREOEXT 1Misc Output Misc FunctionsWhen a misc output is selected, the miscfunctions bank allows options for themute button, CUT, DIM and mono/stereomonitoring options to be applied.The Mute button for each Misc outputcan be set to CUT or DIM the selectedmonitor source using the MUTE=CUT orMUTE=DIM buttons. The button will lightred when set to cut, and yellow when setto dim.CUT and DIM can be applied using thebuttons here.MY5403MONITOR SELTONEBANK A BANK B BANK C BANK DBANK E BANK F BANK GFUNCTMISCASSIGNMENTSELECTION TYPESELECTIONM/SMETER 1SURRMAIN 1METER 1CR MONFOLLOWMETER 2SURRMAIN 2METER 3 METER 4STEREOEXT 1MISC OUTPUT ANd METERSCUT L and CUT R allow the left or right legof the selected monitor output to be cut.Stereo or mono buttons allow the miscoutput to monitor the source in stereo ormono.L > L + R and R > L + R allows either theleft or the right leg to be sent to both theleft and right of the stereo output.Meter 1-4 Misc FunctionsWhen meters 1-4 are selected, the miscfunctions bank allows Tone and M/S (L-Rsum/difference) to be selected for thatmeter.