160 SIGMA with BluefinLoading a modified bundleOn the console PC, go to the TECHscreen and the OFFLINE EDITOR pagewhich opens the now familiar ‘bundleoperations’ screen.Browse for the modified bundle file usingthe ‘Load a bundle from’ field.In many instances, the offline changesmay all be stored in console memoriesbut as the offline editor includes thescreens that can be used to change meterconfigurations, router settings etc., there isan option to select which file types shouldbe loaded from the bundle.It is possible to select all file types byclicking on the tick box at the top ofthe column but unless there is newinformation in all the file types, this willadd unnecessary steps to the loadingprocess.As the image above shows ‘Memories’selected to be loaded into the console,the next screen to appear would be thememory selection screen. Dependingon the file types that were specified forloading, the selection and save processmay appear different and may also needrepeating to load meter, monitor, networkor router settings. The operation of theseother screens is exactly the same as thememory selection screen.PART 3 - ON THE CONSOLE PCSelect memories to loadThe application should automaticallyfind the location of the memories in thebundle. If not, the list of available memoryfiles is displayed by clicking on the browsebutton towards the upper left region of thescreen. The destination on the console PCcan be confirmed using the browse buttonin the upper right.Once the memories are displayed, either‘Add All’ or ‘Add Selected’ buttons can beused and the selected one are copied tothe right pane of the window. ‘Save’ thenprocesses that set of memories.Repeat this process for any other filetypes you selected. When you havefinished you will be presented with adialog box confirming that you wish toload the data to the console.Finishing upOnce the various types of files have beenloaded to the console PC, they can beloaded in the same way as other filesthat had been created and saved to theconsole PC. For example, going to theOPTIONS page and METERS screengives you access to Open a saved meterfile which can then be loaded into thedesk.Many offline operations are likely to haveinvolved saving a memory file so it willusually be necessary to use the MEMORYpage, SETUP screen to get to theRESTORE MEMORIES function.