156 SIGMA with BluefinThe Offline editor works byproviding an emulation of the Calrecconsole PC application on anyother PC such as a laptop. To avoidconfusion, this Calrec supplied rackmounted PC will be referred to as‘the console PC’ and the computeron which the offline application is tobe run is referred to as ‘the laptop’,though of course it could be anydesktop PC.The version of the Calrec Offline Editorapplication to be installed on the laptopmust mirror the version of the consolesoftware in use. If the laptop is going to beused with non Bluefin desks, it will needthe offline application for version 1.36 andif it is also needed to prepare sessionsfor Bluefin desks, it will also need theoffline application for software version2.6 installing. Desks must be running 1.36(non-Bluefin DSP) or 2.6 (Bluefin) to workwith the offline editor. If later versionsare used on a console, additional offlineapplication programs will need to beinstalled.When installing a new version of theOffline Editor, be sure to remove anyprevious versions from your machinePreparing for offline workingThe Calrec main application on theconsole PC relies on an up to date versionof Java being installed. The laptop alsoneeds to have a current Java versioninstalled. If there is none, or if any of theoffline editor displays seem incorrect,download the latest version from:www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp.Creating the ApplicationThe application program is created fromthe console PC by going to the OfflineEditor page.The editor installation application can becreated anywhere on the console PC,including removable USB or drives, orwhen the PC port is appropriately linked, itcan be a network location.In the ‘Create Offline Editor Installer’section, click the browse button to browseto the required location then press Save.PART 1 - ON THE CONSOLE PCBundlesAs most Calrec consoles have a uniqueconfiguration by way of fader quantity,I/O port numbers, surface panels etc. theOffline Editor has to know all the specificdetails about the desk which is beingemulated and it does this by reference toa file “bundle”.This same screen allows a location to bespecified for the console’s file bundle tobe created.