155Starting and drivingParking aid system 3The parking aid system facilitates parkingand reversing. There are four sensors in therear bumper that detect objects upto 1.8 metres behind the car. If the car is heavily laden, the system mayfalsely indicate that there is an object withinthe detection range. This is since the sen-sors are angled towards the ground whenthe car is tail-heavy.The system uses four sensors in the rearbumper. These emit ultrasound signals thatbounce back to the sensors off any objectsbehind the car. The system, however,cannot always detect small or narrowobjects, such as a post, since the reflectivesurface presented to the car is too small.The system is activated automatically whenreverse is engaged. Audible confirmation isgiven and the following text is shown onthe DIC:If a warning message, such as the seat beltreminder, is shown on the DIC whenreverse is engaged, the audible signalsfrom the parking aid system will not beheard since the warning message haspriority.WARNINGResponsibility always lies with the driverwhen reversing.• The parking aid system can facilitateparking and reversing.• Bear in mind that small objects, suchas a child lying on the ground, and/ornarrow objects e.g. a post, cannotalways be detected by the system.Parking Assistanceactive.Area monitored by the sensors seen fromaboveArea monitored by the sensors seen fromthe side460_OM_MY09.book Page 155 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:32 AM