113Interior equipmentEmergency opening the narrowsection of the backrest, SedanThe narrow section of the backrest can beopened in an emergency if the car is withoutelectricity (not possible to open boot lid) andyou need to access the luggage compart-ment for the warning triangle, for example.• Remove the cover and press the yellowlever forward.Tools and spare wheel,see page 216Securing loadsWARNING• Put heavy loads as low down and asfar forward as possible in the luggagecompartment, i.e. against the back ofthe rear seat.• Always lash down the load so that itcannot be thrown forward duringheavy braking or in the event of a col-lision.• Unsecured and heavy loads can raisethe risk of injury during hard braking,sudden avoidance manoeuvres or acollision.• Use the lashing eyes and suitableanchorage straps 3 for optimumsecuring of loads.• Load the lashing eyes evenly. Neverattach more than one strap to eacheye.• Cover sharp edges to prevent damageto the anchorage straps.Cover over emergency opening lever, onparcel shelf460_OM_MY09.book Page 113 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:32 AM