147Starting and drivingThe brake system provides ElectronicBrakeforce Distribution (EBD). This distrib-utes the brake pressure between the frontand rear wheels, in such a way as to achieveoptimum braking performance irrespectiveof the car’s speed or load.The ABS has a built-in diagnostics functionwhich will switch on the ABS warning light ifa fault is detected in the system, seepage 62.the following message then appears on theDIC:The ABS system will not reduce the brakingdistance on loose gravel, snow or ice but,because the wheels cannot lock up,steering control is retained.When the ABS system operates you will feelthe brake pedal pulsate and hear a tickingnoise, both of which are perfectly normal.Apply the brake pedal with full force (youcannot press too hard), declutch and if nec-essary steer to safety.Do not release the brake pedal before thecar has come to a halt or the danger ispast!The above is critical.If the road is slippery, the ABS system willoperate even when only light pressure isapplied to the brake pedal. This means thatthe driver can brake to test the condition ofthe road and adapt their driving accordingly.It is well worth practising the use of ABSbrakes on a skid pan or other suitablefacility.Antilock brake malfunc.Contact service.Braking with ABS brakes.Indication that the system is operating:pulsating brake pedal and ticking noiseBraking with ABS – evasive steering460_OM_MY09.book Page 147 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:32 AM