4.3 Basic Functions Settings4-94 Operation4.3.3 Software Limit SettingsThe software limits set limits in software for machine movement that do not use the overtravel signals (P-OTand N-OT). If a software limit is exceeded, an emergency stop will be executed in the same way as it is forovertravel.(1) Software Limit FunctionThe software limit function can be enabled or disabled.Use the parameter Pn801.0 to enable the software limit function.The software limit function can be enabled under the following conditions. Under all other circumstances, thesoftware limits will not be enabled even if a software limit is exceeded.• The ZRET command has been executed.• REFE = 1 using the POS_SET command.Enable or disable the software limits using one of the following settings.(2) Software Limit Check using ReferencesEnable or disable software limit checks when target position references such as POSING or INTERPOLATEare input. When the input target position exceeds the software limit, a deceleration stop will be performedfrom the software limit set position.(3) Software Limit SettingSet the forward and reverse software limit values.The area will be set in both directions. Always set the software limits so that the reverse limit value is less thanthe forward limit value.Parameter Description When Enabled ClassificationPn801n.0 Software limits enabled in both direction.Immediately Setupn.1 Forward software limit enabled.n.2 Reverse software limit enabled.n.3[Factory setting] Both software limits disabled.Parameter Description When Enabled ClassificationPn801n.0[Factory setting] No software limit check using references. Immediately Setupn.1 Software limit check using references.Pn804Forward Software Limit ClassificationSetting Range Setting Unit Factory Setting When Enabled-1073741823 to1073741823 1 Reference Unit 1073741823 Immediately SetupPn806Reverse Software Limit ClassificationSetting Range Setting Unit Factory Setting When Enabled-1073741823 to1073741823 1 Reference Unit -1073741823 Immediately SetupPositionPosition