8.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-closed Loop Control8-158 Fully-closed Loop Control8.3.1 Motor Rotation DirectionThe motor rotation direction can be set. To perform fully-closed loop control, it is necessary to set the motorrotation direction with both Pn000.0 (motor rotation direction) and Pn002.3 (external encoder usage).(1) Setting Parameter Pn000.0The standard setting for forward rotation is counterclockwise (CCW) as viewed from the load end of the ser-vomotor.Note: SigmaWin+ trace waveforms are shown in the above table.(2) Setting Parameter Pn002.3*1. The mode will change to semi-closed loop control if this setting is used.∗2. Determine the set value in Pn002.3 with the following procedure.• Set Pn000 to n.0 and Pn002 to n.1.• Move the motor shaft by hand counterclockwise.• If the fully-closed feedback pulse counter (Un00E) counts up, leave the setting of Pn002 as it is(Pn002 = n.1).• If the fully-closed feedback pulse counter (Un00E) counts down, set Pn002 to n.3.ParameterForward/ReverseReferenceDirection of Motor Rotation and Encoder Output PulseApplicableOvertravel(OT)Pn000n.0Sets CCW asforward direc-tion.[Factory setting]ForwardReference P-OTReverseReference N-OTn.1Sets CW as for-ward direction.(Reverse Rota-tion Mode)ForwardReference P-OTReverseReference N-OTPAOPBO+CCW Phase BadvancedTimeEncoder output pulseMotor speedTorque referenceMotor speedPAOPBO+CWPhase AadvancedTimeEncoder output pulseMotor speedTorque referenceMotor speedPAOPBO+CW Phase BadvancedTimeEncoder output pulseMotor speedTorque referenceMotor speedPAOPBO+CCWPhase AadvancedEncoder output pulseMotor speedTorque referenceMotor speedTimeParameter Name Meaning WhenEnabled ClassificationPn002n.0[Factory setting]External EncoderUsageDo not use external encoder.*1After restart Setupn.1Uses the external encoder in motorCCW direction rotation and exter-nal encoder forward direction.*2n.2 Reserved (Do not set.)n.3Uses the external encoder in motorCCW direction rotation and exter-nal encoder reverse direction.*2n.4 Reserved (Do not set.)